I was very happy with the quality and look of the bags. I have owned a few sets of bags before. These are the best so far.
I purchased these for a friend. He absolutely loves them, and the fit was perfect. A very nice, great looking and functional set of bags.
Fits great with saddle bag supports
Good material for the price
Great looking metal on leather
Fits great with saddle bag supportsGood material for the priceGreat looking metal on leather
good quality
The saddlebags compliment my bike wonderfully. I didn't realize the bags could be unzipped for quick release. The build quality appears to be excellent. Definitely a great value for your dollar.
These medium sized bags fit perfectly on my '77 Harley Lowrider. They have some great features such as
zip-off bags with a carry handle and a internal extra pocket to carry your smaller stuff. They seem to be quality made but only time will tell.
These medium sized bags fit perfectly on my '77 Harley Lowrider. They have some great features such aszip-off bags with a carry handle and a internal extra pocket to carry your smaller stuff. They seem to be quality made but only time will tell.
The bags arrived and i was blown off by the looks and quality of the saddle. I haven't been able to install it yet but when i do i'll update my review on the features, fit and durability of the bag.
The bags arrived and i was blown off by the looks and quality of the saddle. I haven't been able to install it yet but when i do i'll update my review on the features, fit and durability of the bag.