Leather up is always on point. The wife loves it.
milwaukee motorcycle clothing co is always on point. The wife loves it.
they run big
they run big
Very nice quality
Very nice quality
I loved the vest, but it was too big, so I'm having to send it back and with having to pay $12 for the return, I will just get a refund. I was hoping to find another from them as they have a good selection, but to pay the return fee each time, I'll just keep looking locally. Great company and selection otherwise. I would still recommend them if you know your size and won't be returning anything.
I loved the vest, but it was too big, so I'm having to send it back and with having to pay $12 for the return, I will just get a refund. I was hoping to find another from them as they have a good selection, but to pay the return fee each time, I'll just keep looking locally. Great company and selection otherwise. I would still recommend them if you know your size and won't be returning anything.
Not to sure on how well it will conceal, but we will give it a shot.
Not to sure on how well it will conceal, but we will give it a shot.
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